Transport Conditions

Prepared by the Norwegian Taxi Association 2000

§ 1 Applicability of Transport Conditions

The transport conditions are contractual terms between the passenger and the taxi driver. For all matters not regulated herein, Norwegian law applies.

§ 2 Ordering a Taxi

When ordering a taxi through a central dispatch or by direct phone call to a taxi stand, the customer must provide relevant information necessary for the execution of the task. If a specially equipped vehicle, extended seating capacity, or special equipment (special transport) is required, the customer must inform accordingly.

If the order is, for example, for more than four passengers and the actual need is reduced, compensation and similar will be calculated according to the order.

§ 3 Use of Taxi Stand.

Priority for TaxisWhen there is a queue at the taxi stand, the taxi driver must drive the passenger who is next in line. Sick, disabled people, and those with small

children have priority for taxis. Otherwise, the priority rules set by the authorities for taxis apply.

Passengers from the taxi stand have priority for an available taxi. The public at the taxi stand is directed to the first available taxi, but they have the right to choose their taxi. Taxis that are first in line may need to move to make room for driving out.

Upon boarding, the passenger must state their destination, any alternative payment method other than cash, and any other relevant information for the task's execution.

§ 4 Hailing a Taxi Outside the Stand

When the taxi is available, the taxi driver must ensure that the available light is on and visible to the public. Outside a specified distance from the nearest taxi stand, indicated in the central's driving regulations/driver's instructions, the driver can pick up passengers who give clear signals, provided stopping and boarding can occur

within the framework of applicable traffic rules and without hindering other traffic.

§ 5 Taxi Driver's Right to Refuse

TripsThe taxi driver may refuse intoxicated persons, passengers who behave threateningly, or people whom the taxi driver finds reasonable grounds to refuse for other reasons.

The passenger has the right to bring a guide dog.

If a person is refused, the taxi driver can demand compensation according to the meter's reading.

§ 6 Execution of the Task

A taxi driver must follow the route that takes the shortest time to the destination unless the passenger specifies otherwise.

The taxi driver is obliged to drive passengers to different locations on the same trip (combining trips) upon request. Unless otherwise agreed, the last passenger to alight is responsible for paying for the trip.

The responsibility for the mandatory use of seat belts and ensuring the child seat is securely fastened follows the provisions of the Road Traffic Act.

A person who needs assistance from the taxi to the entrance door or similar may request help. Assistance provided by the taxi driver at the passenger's request, to, from, or outside the transport vehicle, is at the passenger's risk.

During the trip, the driver and passenger must act in a way that does not endanger other road users, luggage, the car, and equipment. Smoking in the taxi is prohibited.

The driver's use of mobile phones, data terminals, and similar during the task must comply with the central's regulations. The car radio can be used with the passenger's consent.

The taxi driver can require advance payment for the trip.

§ 7 Waiting Time, Interruptions, and Delays

When picking up a passenger and during driving, the taxi driver is obliged to wait within the time interval specified in the driving regulations/driver's instructions unless otherwise agreed. For special driving tasks such as medical transportation, weddings, christenings, and funerals, waiting time follows the nature of the task.

For pre-ordered taxis, actual arrival may deviate from the agreed time within the interval specified in the central's driving regulations/driver's instructions.

If a trip must be interrupted due to a vehicle malfunction, the taxi driver is not entitled to payment for the completed driving unless he can provide another taxi within a reasonable time. If a new taxi is provided, the taxi driver can demand payment for the distance driven, less the new taxi's arrival fee. If the passenger does not want another taxi, the taxi driver is entitled to payment for the distance driven.

In case of trip interruption due to weather and/or road conditions, the taxi driver is entitled to payment for the distance driven. Delays due to traffic and meteorological conditions do not entitle the passenger to a reduction in the total fare.

§ 8 Payment, Change, and Receipt

The taxi central's fare regulations are used as the basis for fare calculation unless otherwise agreed.

Taxi rides must be paid for in cash. If using a credit card, voucher, or other payment forms, this must be agreed with the taxi driver before the trip starts. If it is indicated in the taxi through signage, central advertisements, or similar that certain vouchers, payment/credit cards are accepted, the taxi driver is obliged to accept these.

The taxi driver is not required to change large bills beyond what is specified in the central's driving regulations/driver's instructions. Driving in connection with changing large amounts is charged to the passenger.

The taxi driver is obliged to provide a dated receipt upon request. The receipt must include the taxi driver's name, the taxi's license number, the passenger's pick-up and drop-off location, and other necessary information to verify that the fare was calculated according to the current fare regulations. In a taxi with a receipt-writing meter, this must be used to print the receipt.

§ 9 Security for Payment

The taxi driver must inform the taxi central as soon as possible and within 24 hours of receiving items as security for payment. Public documents such as passports and driver's licenses are not accepted as collateral. The taxi driver must provide the passenger with a receipt on the central's approved form for the received collateral.

The collateral receipt must state the driving route, driving amount, fee, and time and place for returning the collateral.

A promissory note, approved by the taxi central, can be used as an alternative to collateral in connection with payment security.

§ 10 Luggage and Similar

The taxi driver must help place luggage and other items in the taxi. The driver may refuse luggage and other items that are unsuitable for transport in the taxi due to size or shape.

If the passenger wants to bring luggage beyond what is normally expected in an ordinary taxi, this must be informed to the central when ordering. If possible, the central can assign the task to a taxi suitable for the nature of the task.

§ 11 Lost Property

The taxi driver must immediately check after each trip if anything has been left in the taxi so that forgotten items can be returned to the rightful owner immediately.

If this is not possible, the driver must deliver the items left in the taxi to the designated place within 24 hours. The driver is obliged to take proper care of the items.

§ 12 Liability

a) Personal InjuryThe carrier's liability for personal injury during transport is regulated by the Road Traffic Act. The carrier must have insurance in accordance with legal requirements.

b) Luggage and Other GoodsIf hand luggage or items carried by the passengers are wholly or partly lost or damaged during the journey, the carrier is liable to compensate for the loss or damage if it is due to the carrier's fault or negligence.For damage to or loss of luggage or other items carried by the passenger, the carrier's liability is limited to NOK 60 per kg of the lost or damaged part of the goods.

c) DelayLiability for delay arises when the arrival or the time to complete the task exceeds what is considered reasonable under the circumstances. There is no liability if the delay is due to the passenger or circumstances that the taxi driver could not avoid and whose consequences he could not prevent. The carrier's liability for delays is limited to the transport costs.

d) The Passenger's ResponsibilityThe passenger must compensate for damage caused intentionally or negligently to the carrier.

§ 13 Rules in Case of Disputes

Disputes between the passenger and the taxi driver that cannot be resolved between the parties may be submitted by the passenger to the central.

§ 14 Complaints, Deadlines, and Statutes of Limitations

Anyone seeking compensation for loss must notify the carrier and/or the central to which the carrier is affiliated without undue delay.Claims for compensation under these transport regulations are subject to a one-year statute of limitations unless other deadlines apply under other legislation.

§ 15 Information

The transport conditions, along with the current fare regulations, must be available in the taxi and shown to the passenger upon request.